
Elke Michlmayr, PhD
I defended my thesis on Dec 21th 2007. You can find it here. I am now on long long well-deserved vacation before moving to London in March to join Google as a Software Engineer. This page is not updated anymore, but you can still reach me at michlmayr@wit.tuwien.ac.at.
Curriculum Vitae
Elke Michlmayr was born in Linz, Austria, in 1976. In 2002, she received
the MSc degree (with distinction) in Computer Science from Vienna University
of Technology. From 2001 to 2003, she has been with Telecommunications
Research Center Vienna (ftw.),
working as a researcher in project "UMTS Application Development".
Since Summer 2003, she is a PhD student at the Women's Postgraduate
College for Internet Technologies (WIT). She likes traveling, swimming, politics,
eating and drinking, reading, and heating with wood. Click
here for a complete CV.
Research Interests
I am interested in Web Engineering, Distributed Systems, and Algorithms. My master's thesis dealt with content delivery for location-based
services. The title of my PhD thesis is "Ant Algorithms for Self-Organization in Social Networks". In my thesis I am applying ant algorithms for two tasks. One of them is content-based search in peer-to-peer networks. An abstract of this work can be found here. The second task is learning of adaptive user profiles from tagging data. More information can be found here.
The courses I taught in the past can be found here.
- Elke Michlmayr: "Ant Algorithms for Self-Organization in Social Networks," Ph.D. Thesis, Vienna University of Technology,
2007. PDF
- Elke Michlmayr: "Flexible Content Management for the LoL@ UMTS
Application," Masters Thesis, Vienna University of Technology,
May 2002. PDF
- Horst Eidenberger and Elke Michlmayr, Perl.
Introduction to Programming (in German),
d.punkt-Verlag, Heidelberg, 279 pp., June 2005. Link
Book Chapters
- Elke Michlmayr, "Self-Organization for Search in Peer-to-Peer Networks",
Advances in Biologically Inspired Information Systems: Models, Methods, and Tools, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 69, July 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-72692-0.
Journal Articles
- Elke Michlmayr, Arno Pany, Gerti Kappel: "Using Taxonomies for
Content-based Routing with Ants," Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2007. Link
- Martina Umlauft, Günther Pospischil, Georg Niklfeld, and Elke Michlmayr, "LoL@,
a mobile tourist guide for UMTS," Journal of Information Technology
& Tourism, Congnizant, USA, 2003.
- Martina Umlauft, Elke Michlmayr, Hermann Anegg, Harald Kunczier, and Günther Pospischil:
"LoL@: Ein Prototyp für einen UMTS-basierenden mobilen Stadtführer" (in German),
Meuer and O. Spaniol (Ed.): Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und
Kommunikation, K. G. Saur, München, Germany, September 2002.
Conferences and Workshops
- Elke Michlmayr, Steve Cayzer: "Learning User Profiles from Tagging Data and
Leveraging them for Personal(ized) Information Access", Proceedings of the Workshop on Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization, 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007), Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 2007.
Bibtex entry
- Elke Michlmayr, Steve Cayzer, Paul Shabajee: "Add-A-Tag: Learning
Adaptive User Profiles from Bookmark Collections", Poster paper,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Weblogs and Social
Media (ICWSM'06), Boulder, Colorado, USA, March 2007.
Bibtex entry
- Elke Michlmayr: "Self-Organization for
Search in Peer-to-Peer Networks: The Exploitation-Exploration Dilemma,"
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
Bio inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2006), Cavalese, Italy, December 2006.
Bibtex entry
- Marion Murzek, Gerhard Kramler, Elke Michlmayr: "Structural
Patterns for Business Process Models Transformation", Proceedings of
International Workshop on Models for Enterprise Computing (IWMEC 2006),
10th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC 2006),
Hong Kong, October 2006.
- Elke Michlmayr, Arno Pany, Sabine Graf: "Applying Ant-based Multi-Agent Systems to Query Routing in Distributed Environments,"
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems (IEEE IS’06), London, UK, September 2006.
Bibtex entry
- Elke Michlmayr, Arno Pany, Gerti Kappel: "Using Taxonomies for
Content-based Routing with Ants,"
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Innovations in Web Infrastructure
(IWI2), 15th International World-Wide Web Conference (WWW2006),
Edinburgh, UK, May 2006.
Bibtex entry
- Elke Michlmayr, "Ant Algorithms for Search in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks", Ph.D. Workshop,
22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 2006.
Bibtex entry
- Elke Michlmayr, "A Case Study on Emergent Semantics in Communities," Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis,
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2005), Galway, Ireland, November 2005.
Bibtex entry
- Elke Michlmayr, Sabine Graf, Wolf Siberski, Wolfgang Nejdl, "Query Routing
with Ants," Workshop on Ontologies in P2P Communities,
European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2005), Heraklion, Crete, May 2005.
Bibtex entry
- Martin Bernauer, Gerti Kappel, Elke Michlmayr, "Traceable
Document Flows," Proc. of the 2nd International
Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS), 14th International Conference
on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Zaragoza, Spain, September 2004. PDF
- M. Ahmed, H.Hoang, M. Karim, S. Khusro, M. Lanzenberger, K. Latif,
E. Michlmayr, K. Mustofa, H. Nguyen, A. Rauber, A. Schatten, M. Tho,
A. Tjoa: 'SemanticLIFE' - A Framework for Managing Information of
A Human Lifetime. Proc. of the International Conference on Information
Integration, Web-Applications and Services (IIWAS2004), Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2004. PDF
- G. Kappel, E. Michlmayr, B. Pröll, S. Reich, W. Retschitzegger:
"Web Engineering - Old wine in new bottles?," Proc.
of the 4th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2004),
Munich, Germany, July 2004. PDF
- H. Kunczier, E. Michlmayr, G. Pospischil, and H. Anegg, "A
Prototype of a Network Independent Wireless Internet Service,"
Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies,
Boulder, Colorado USA, March 2003.
- G. Pospischil, M. Umlauft, and E. Michlmayr: "Designing LoL@,
a Mobile Tourist Guide for UMTS," Proc. of 4th International
Symposium on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices (Mobile
HCI '02), Pisa, Italy, September 2002.
Technical reports
- Elke Michlmayr: "Specification of the SemAnt Algorithm", PDF, March 2006.
Misc (in German)
- Horst Eidenberger, Elke Michlmayr: Perl: Webseiten
automatisiert verarbeiten mit WWW::Mechanize. iX Magazin für
Professionelle Informationstechnik, Heise-Verlag, 07/2005
- Elke
Michlmayr: Erfahrungsberichte Frauen in der Technik: Eine
Zusammenfassung vieler Gespräche mit Technikstudentinnen und
Absolventinnen. Über Erfahrungen, Beobachtungen, Probleme,
Aha-Erlebnisse, Gemeinsamkeiten und Strategien. Progress Sonderausgabe
02/2004 (TU Wien)
- Elke Michlmayr, Christian Zech: Baukasten für
alle. Freie Software ist hochwertige Technologie, die gemeinschaftlich
im digitalen Raum entwickelt wird. Progress, 02/2003
Reviewer for VLDB 2007, PhD Workshop (33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases)
Reviewer for ICWE2007 (7th International Conference on Web Engineering)
PC member of WebS2007 (6th International Workshop on Web Semantics, DEXA)
Reviewer for ICWE2006 (6th International Conference on Web Engineering)
PC member of WebS2006 (5th International Workshop on Web Semantics, DEXA)
Reviewer for ECOOP2006 (20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming)
Reviewer for CAiSE2006 (18th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering)
PC member of WebS2005 (4th International Workshop on Web Semantics, DEXA)
Reviewer for CAiSE2005 (17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering)
Reviewer for WebS2004 (3th International Workshop on Web Semantics, DEXA)
Reviewer for ICWE2004 (4th International Conference on Web Engineering)
attended WWW2007 (16th International World Wide Web Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada)
attended BIONETICS 2006 (1st International Conference on Bio-Inspired mOdels of NEtwork, Information and Computing Systems, Cavalese, Italy)
attended Semantics 2006 (Vienna, Austria)
attended IEEE IS 2006 (3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, London, UK)
attended WWW2006 (15th International World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh, UK)
attended FASE2006 (Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Vienna, Austria)
attended ICDE2006 (22nd International Conference on Data Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
attended ISWC2005 (4th International Semantic Web Conference, Galway, Ireland)
attended ESWC2005 (2nd Annual European Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Crete)
attended WWW2004 (13th International World Wide Web Conference, New York, USA)
attended ESEC2001 (8th European Software Engineering Conference, Vienna, Austria)
Summer Schools
attended SSSW2005 (3rd Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web, Cercedilla, Spain)
attended ADFOCS2004 (5th Max-Planck Advanced Course on the Foundations of Computer Science, Saarbrücken, Germany)