WIT is a part of BIG,
the Business Informatics Group at Vienna University of Technology.
A listing of all BIG
publications can be found here.
- Emilio Soler, Veronika Stefanov, Jose-Norberto Mazón, Juan-Carlos Trujillo, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini: Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements, accepted at the Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2008), Barcelona, Spain, March 4-7, 2008./li>
- Sabine Graf, Kathryn MacCallum, Tzu-Chien Liu, Maiga Chang, Dunwei Wen, Qing Tan, Jon Dron, Fuhua Lin,
Rory McGreal, Kinshuk (accepted). An Infrastructure for Developing Pervasive Learning Environments.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Learning (PerEL 2008), Hong Kong, March 2008, to appear.
- Emilio Soler, Veronika Stefanov, Jose-Norberto Mazón, Juan-Carlos
Trujillo, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini: Modelado de Requisitos de Seguridad
para Almacenes de Datos (Towards
Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering
Security Requirements), accepted at the XI Iberoamerican Workshop on Requirements
Engineering and Software Environments (IDEAS 2008), Pernambuco, Brazil,
February 2008.
Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Werner Retschitzegger,
Manuel Wimmer, and Gerti Kappel. A Survey on Web Modeling
Approaches for Ubiquitous Web Applications. Technical Report,
Vienna University of Technology, October 2007.
- A. Vallecillo, N. Koch, C. Cachero, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, I.
Garrigós, J. Gómez, G. Kappel, A. Knapp, M. Matera,
S. Meliá, N. Moreno, B. Pröll, T. Reiter, W. Retschitzegger,
J. E. Rivera, A. Schauerhuber, W. Schwinger, M. Wimmer, G.Zhang: MDWEnet:
A Practical Approach to Achieving Interoperability of Model-Driven
Web Engineering Methods. 3rd Int. Workshop on Model-Driven
Web Engineering (MDWE 2007), in conjunction with ICWE'07 Como, Italy,
July 2007.
- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Michael Strommer, Jürgen
Flandorfer, Wieland Schwinger, and Gerti Kappel. How Web 2.0
can leverage Model Engineering in Practice. Submitted 2007.
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Werner
Retschitzegger, Manuel Wimmer, and Gerti Kappel. A Survey
on Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approaches. Technical Report,
Vienna University of Technology, October 2007.
- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Michael Strommer, Wieland Schwinger,
Gerti Kappel. A Semi-automatic Approach for bridging DSLs
with UML. 7th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling,
in conjunction with OOPSLA'07, Montréal, Canada, October 2007.
- Sabine Graf, Silvia Rita Viola, Kinshuk (2007). Automatic
Student Modelling for Detecting Learning Style Preferences in Learning
Management Systems. Proceedings of the IADIS International
Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA
2007), Algarve, Portugal, Dec. 2007, to appear.
- Sabine Graf, Silvia R. Viola, Kinshuk, and Tommaso Leo (2007). In-depth
Analysis of the Felder-Silverman Learning Style Dimensions.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp.
- Silvia Rita Viola, Sabine Graf, Kinshuk (2007). Detecting
Learners' Profiles based on the Index of Learning Styles Data.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent and Adaptive
Web-based Educational Systems (IAWES 2007), Hiroshima, Japan, November
6, pp. 233-238.

- Adrian Scutelnicu, Fuhua Lin, Kinshuk, Tzu-Chien Liu, Sabine Graf
and Rory McGreal (2007). Integrating JADE Agents into Moodle.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent and Adaptive
Web-based Educational Systems (IAWES 2007), Hiroshima, Japan, November
6, pp. 215-220.
Dunwei Wen, Sabine Graf, Chung Hsien Lan, Terry Anderson, Kinshuk,
Ken Dickson (2007). Supporting Web-based Learning through
Adaptive Assessment. FormaMente Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1-2,
pp. 45-79. 
- Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: A UML Profile for Modeling
Data Warehouse Usage, Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations
and Applications ER 2007 Workshops, 3rd International Workshop on
Foundations and Practices of UML (FP-UML 2007), in conjuntion with
the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2007),
November 5-9, 2007, Auckland, New Zealand, Springer Verlag, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4802.
- Michael Strommer, Marion Murzek, Manuel Wimmer: Applying
Model Transformation By-Example on Business Process Modeling Languages.
Accepted at the 3rd International Workshop on Foundations and Practices
of UML at the 26the International Conference on Conceptual Modelling,
ER 2007, Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007
- Marion Murzek, Gerhard Kramler: "The Model Morphing Approach
- Horizontal Transformations between Business Process Models".
Accepted at the 6th International Conference on Perspecitves in Business
Information Research - BIR 2007, Tampere, Finnland, October 2007
- Nevena Stolba, Tho Manh Nguyen, A Min Tjoa: Towards sustainable
decision-support system facilitating EBM, 29th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBC 2007), Lyon, France, August 2007.

- Sabine Graf and Kinshuk. Providing Adaptive Courses in Learning
Management Systems with Respect to Learning Styles, Proceedings
of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare,
and Higher Education (eLearn 2007), Quebec City, Canada, October 2007,
to appear.

- Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: A UML Profile for Representing
Business Object States in a Data Warehouse,9th International
Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2007),
September 2007, Regensburg, Germany, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 4654.
- Birgit Korherr and Beate List: A UML Profile for Variability
Models and their Dependency on Business Processes, 1st International
Workshop on Enterprise Information Systems Engineering (WEISE 07),
September 2007, Regensburg, Germany, IEEE Computer Society.
- Martina Umlauft, Peter Reichl: Getting Network Simulation
Basics Right - A Note on Seed Setting Effects for the ns-2 Random
Number Generator.In Steve Powell et al (Eds.), Wireless Technology:
Applications, Management, and Security, Springer, to appear.
- Martina Umlauft: Some Thoughts on Wireless Network Modelling.
Student Poster Session, 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN 2007), July 23-27, 2007, Vienna, Austria.
- Nevena Stolba, Alexander Schanner: eHealth Integrator -
Clinical Data Integration in Lower Austria, to be presented
at Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence in
Medicine and Healthcare (CIMED 2007), Plymouth, England, July 2007.
- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, and Horst
Kargl. On the Integration of Web Modeling Languages: Preliminary
Results and Future Challenges. Workshop on Model-Driven Web
Engineering (MDWE 2007), in conjunction with ICWE'07, Como, Italy,
July 2007.
Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Wieland
Schwinger, and Werner Retschitzegger. Bridging WebML to
model-driven engineering: from document type definitions to meta
object facility. IET Software Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3,
Institution of Engineering and Technology, June 2007. [project
Marion Murzek, Gerhard Kramler: BUSINESS PROCESS MODEL
TRANSFORMATION ISSUES - The top 7 adversaries
encountered at defining model transformations. Conference
Paper at the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems ICEIS 2007, Funchal,
Madeira - Portugal, June 2007
Elke Michlmayr, Arno Pany, Gerti Kappel. Using Taxonomies
for Content-based Routing with Ants, Journal of Computer
Networks, Elsevier, accepted for publication.
Sabine Graf, Taiyu Lin, and Kinshuk. Analysing the Relationship
between Learning Styles and Cognitive Traits, Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
(ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan, July 2007, pp. 235-239. "Best
Full Paper Award" winning paper!
Chung Hsien Lan, Sabine Graf, K. Robert Lai, and Kinshuk. Effect
of Learning Styles on Peer Assessment in an Agent-based Collaborative
Learning Environment, Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Niigata, Japan,
July 2007, pp. 421-423. "Best Short Paper
Award" winning paper!
- Taiyu Lin, Kinshuk, Sabine Graf (2007). Semantic Relation
Analysis and Its Application in Cognitive Profiling, Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
(ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan, July 18-20, pp 683-685.
- Taiyu Lin, Kinshuk, Sabine Graf (2007). Cognitive Trait
Model and Divergent Associative Learning, Proceedings of
the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
(ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan, July 18-20, pp. 325-327. "Best
Short Paper Award" winning paper!
Dunwei Wen, Sabine Graf, Chung Hsien Lan, Terry Anderson, Kinshuk,
Ken Dickson. Adaptive Assessment in Web-based learning,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and
Expo (ICME 2007), Beijing, China, July 2007, to appear.
Elke Michlmayr, Steve Cayzer: Learning User Profiles
from Tagging Data and Leveraging them for Personal(ized) Information
Access, Proceedings of the Workshop on Tagging and Metadata
for Social Information Organization, 16th International World Wide
Web Conference (WWW2007), Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 2007.
Nevena Stolba, A Min Tjoa, Thomas Mueck, Marko Banek: Federated
Data Warehouse Approach to Support the National and International
Interoperability of Healthcare Information Systems, to
be presented at 15th European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS 2007), St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 2007.
Martina Umlauft, Peter Reichl: Experiences with the ns-2
Network Simulator - Explicitly Setting Seeds Considered Harmful.
Proceedings of the 6th Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS
2007), April 26-28, 2007, Pomona, CA, USA
Kinshuk and Sabine Graf: Considering Cognitive Traits
and Learning Styles to Open Web-Based Learning to a Larger Student
Community, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility
(ICTA 2007), Hammamet , Tunisia, April 2007,pp 21-26. 
Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: Explaining Data Warehouse
Data to Business Users - A Model-Based Approach to Business Metadata,
15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2007), June
2007, 2062-2073, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Sabine Graf, Taiyu Lin, and Kinshuk. The Relationship
between Learning Styles and Cognitive Traits - Getting Addtional
Information for Improving Student Modelling. Accepted
for publication in the International Journal on Computers in Human
Silvia R. Viola, Sabine Graf, Kinshuk, and Tommaso Leo. Investigating
Relationships within the Index of Learning Styles: A Data-Driven
Approach. International Journal of Interactive Technology
and Smart Education , Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 7-18. 
Sabine Graf and Kinshuk. Technologies Linking Learning,
Cognition and Instruction. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill,
J. J. G. van Merriënboer, and M. P. Driscoll (eds.), Handbook of
Research on Educational Communications and Technology (3rd edition),
in press.
G. Kappel, H. Kargl , G. Kramler , A. Schauerhuber , M. Seidl,
M. Strommer, and M. Wimmer. Matching Metamodels with Semantic
Systems - An Experience Report. BTW 2007 Workshop Model Management und Metadaten-Verwaltung, Aachen, 05.03.2007 - 09.03.2007, 2007.
Birgit Korherr and Beate List:
Extending the EPC and the BPMN with Business
Process Goals and Performance Measures. Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS
2007), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, June 2007.
Elke Michlmayr, Steve Cayzer, Paul Shabajee: Add-A-Tag:
Learning Adaptive User Profiles from Bookmark Collections,
Poster paper, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM'06), Boulder, Colorado, USA, March
Nevena Stolba, Thi Manh Nguyen, A Min Tjoa: Towards a
Data Warehouse Based Approach to Support Healthcare Knowledge Development
and Sharing, 2007 Information Resources Management Association
(IRMA) International Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 19-23, IRMA
Press, 2007. "Best Paper Award" winning paper!
Birgit Korherr and Beate List: Extending
the EPC with Performance Measures (short paper). Proceedings
of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'07), Seoul,
Korea, March 11-15, ACM Press, 2007
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, Wieland Schwinger, Elisabeth
Kapsammer, and Werner Retschitzegger. Aspect-Oriented Modeling
of Ubiquitous Web Applications: The aspectWebML Approach.
5th Workshop on Model-Based Development for ComputerBased Systems:
Domain-Specific Approaches to Model-Based Development, in conjunction
with ECBS'07, Tucson, AZ, USA, March 2007.
- Gerti Kappel, Beate List and Ulli Pastner: The Women's
Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies (WIT) - A Role Model
for Promoting Female Researchers at Universities! Report,
December 2006.
Sabine Graf, Silvia Rita Viola, Kinshuk, and Tommaso Leo: Representative
Characteristics of Felder-Silverman Learning Styles: An Empirical
Model . Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference
on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2006),
Barcelona, Spain, December 8-10.
- Elke Michlmayr: Self-Organization for Search in Peer-to-Peer
Networks: The Exploitation-Exploration Dilemma. Proceedings
of the 1st International Conference on Bio inspired Models of Network,
Information and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2006), Cavalese, Italy,
11-13 December 2006.
Sabine Graf and Kinshuk: Considering Learning Styles in
Learning Management Systems: Investigating the Behavior of Students
in an Online Course. Proceedings of the First IEEE International
Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP
06), Athens, Greece, 4-5 December 2006, pp. 25-30.
Silvia Rita Viola, Sabine Graf, Kinshuk, and Tommaso Leo: Analysis
of Felder-Silverman Index of Learning Styles by a Data-driven Statistical
Approach. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop
on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning (MTEL 06), San Diego,
USA, 11-13 December 2006, pp. 959-964.
Marion Murzek, Gerhard Kramler, Elke Michlmayr: Structural
Patterns for the Transformation of Business Process Models
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models for Enterprise
Computing (IWMEC
2006) at the 10th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC
2006) "The Enterprise Computing Conference", October
- Sabine Graf and Kinshuk: Enabling Learning Management Systems
to Identify Learning Styles. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL 06), Villach,
Austria, September 2006.
Birgit Korherr and Beate List: Extending
the UML 2 Activity Diagram with Business Process Goals and Performance
Measures and the Mapping to BPEL, Proceedings of the 2nd
International Workshop on Best Practices of UML (BP-UML 2005) at
the 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2005),
November 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA , 2006, Springer Verlag, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science.
- Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: Weaving
Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models - Business Metadata for
the Data Warehouse, Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Models for Enterprise Computing (IWMEC)
at the 10th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing
Conference (EDOC
2006), October 2006, Hong Kong, IEEE Press.
- Sabine Graf, Taiyu Lin, Lynn Jeffrey, and Kinshuk: An Exploratory
Study of the Relationship between Learning Styles and Cognitive Traits.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
(EC-TEL 06), Crete, Greece, October 2006, pp. 470-475.
- Martina Umlauft: Web Performance in a Hybrid
Ad hoc Network based on UMTS (short paper). Proceedings of
the 14th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems - Modeling
and Analysis (ICTSM
2006), October 2006, Reading, PA, USA.
- Marko Banek, A Min Tjoa, Nevena Stolba: Integrating different
grain levels in a medical data warehouse federation, Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge
Discovery (DaWaK 2006), Krakow, Poland, September 2006.
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, and Elisabeth Kapsammer. Bridging
existing Web Modeling Languages to Model-Driven Engineering: A Metamodel
for WebML. Workshop on Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE
2006), in conjunction with ICWE'06, Standford Linear Accelerator Center,
Palo Alto, California, July 2006.
- Martina Umlauft: Relay Devices in UMTS
Networks - Effects on Application Performance (Poster). Proceedings
of the IFIP Fifth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
2006), June 2006, Lipari, Italy.
- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Elisabeth Kapsammer, and Gerhard
Kramler. From Document Type Definitions to Metamodels: The
WebML Case Study. Vienna University of Technology, March
- Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland
Schwinger, Elisabeth Kapsammer: Enabling API-based Tool Integration
through Aspect-Orientation, 2nd Workshop on Models and Aspects,
ECOOP'06, Nantes, France, July 2006.
Veronika Stefanov: Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses
and Organizations, Doctoral Consortium of the 18th Conference
on Advanced Information System Engineering (CAiSE'06), June 2006,
Sabine Graf and Kinshuk: An Approach for Detecting Learning
Styles in Learning Management Systems. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Advances Learning Technologies (ICALT
06), Kerkrade, The Netherlands, July 2006.
Sabine Graf and Rahel Bekele: Forming Heterogeneous Groups
for Intelligent Collaborative Learning Systems with Ant Colony Optimization.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITS 06), Jhongli, Taiwan, June 2006.
- Elke Michlmayr, Arno Pany, Sabine Graf: Applying Ant-based
Multi-Agent Systems to Query Routing in Distributed Environments,
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems (IEEE
IS06), London, UK, September 2006.
- Elke Michlmayr, Arno Pany, Gerti Kappel: Using Taxonomies
for Content-based Routing with Ants, Proceedings of the 2nd
Workshop on Innovations in Web Infrastructure (IWI2), 15th International
World-Wide Web Conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, UK, May 2006.
- Sabine Graf: Book review: Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia
Systems (Sherry Y. Chen and George D. Magoulas). Educational
Technology & Society, 9 (1), 2006, pp. 361-364.
- Birgit Korherr and Beate List: Aligning
Business Processes and Software - Connecting the UML 2 Profile for
Event Driven Process Chains with Use Cases and Components,
Proceedings of the CAiSE Forum of the 18th Conference on Advanced
Information System Engineering (CAiSE'06), June 2006, Luxembourg,
- Nevena Stolba, Marko Banek and A Min Tjoa: The Security
Issue of Federated Data Warehouses in the Area of Evidence-Based Medicine,
First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES 2006), Vienna, Austria, IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2006.
- Elke Michlmayr: Ant Algorithms for Search
in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks, Ph.D. Workshop, 22nd
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, April 2006.
- Birgit Korherr and Beate List: A UML 2
Profile for Event Driven Process Chains, Proceedings of the
1st IFIP International Conference on Research and Practical Issues
of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2006), April, Vienna,
Austria, Springer Verlag, 2006.
- Beate List and Birgit Korherr: An Evaluation
of Conceptual Business Process Modelling Languages, Proceedings
of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'06), April, Dijon,
France, ACM Press, 2006.
- A. Schauerhuber, W. Schwinger, E. Kapsammer, W. Retschitzegger,
M. Wimmer, Towards a Common Reference Architecture for Aspect-Oriented
Modeling, 8th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling,
AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany, March 21, 2006.
- Andrea Schauerhuber, aspectUWA: Applying Aspect-Orientation
to the Model-Driven Development of Ubiquitous Web Applications,
Student Extravaganza: Spring School, AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany, March
19, 2006.
- Andrea Schauerhuber, aspectUWA: Applying Aspect-Orientation
to the Model-Driven Development of Ubiquitous Web Applications,
Student Extravaganza: Poster Event, AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany, March
22, 2006. (POSTER)
- Nevena Stolba and A Min Tjoa: The Relevance of Data Warehousing
and Data Mining in the Field of Evidence-Based Medicine to Support
Healthcare Decision Making , International Conference on
Computer Science (ICCS 2006), Prague, Czech Republic, Enformatika:
Volume 11, February 2006.
- Nevena Stolba and A Min Tjoa: An Approach towards the Fulfilment
of Security Requirements for Decision Support Systems in the Field
of Evidence-Based Healthcare, Knowledge Rights - Legal, Societal
and Related Technological Aspects (KnowRight2006), Vienna, Austria,
Austrian Computer Sociaty, pp. 51-59, February 2006.
- Danijela Markovic and Magrit Gelautz: Comics-Like
Motion Depiction from Stereo, Proceedings of the 14 th International
Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and
Computer Vision 2006 (WSCG ' 2006), Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic,
January 30 - February 3, 2006.
- Sabine Graf, Taiyu Lin, and Kinshuk: Improving Student
Modeling: The Relationship between Learning Styles and Cognitive Traits.
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and
Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), December 2005, Porto,
- Sabine Graf: Fostering Adaptivity in E-Learning Platforms:
A Meta-Model Supporting Adaptive Courses. Proceedings of
the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning
in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), December 2005, Porto, Portugal.
Danijela Markovic and Magrit Gelautz: Drawing
the Real, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and
South East Asia (GRAPHITE '05), Dunedin, New Zealand, 29 November
- 2 December 2005, pp. 237-243.
- Elke Michlmayr: A Case Study on Emergent Semantics in Communities.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Social Network Analysis, International
Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2005), November 2005, Galway, Ireland.
- Beate List and Birgit Korherr: A UML 2 Profile
for Business Process Modelling, Proceedings of the 1st International
Workshop on Best Practices of UML (BP-UML 2005) at the 24th International
Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2005), Klagenfurt, Austria,
2005, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3770
- Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger: Attribute Grammars
for Scalable Query Processing on XML Streams. VLDB Journal,
- M.Murzek, G.Kappel, G.Kramler: Model Transformations in
Practice Using the BOC Model Transformer. Workshop 'Model
Transformation in Practice' at MoDELS
2005, Montego Bay, Jamaica, October 2005.
- Veronika Stefanov, Beate List and Josef Schiefer: Bridging
the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes - A Business
Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains, Proceedings
of the 9th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference
(EDOC 2005), Enschede, The Netherlands, 2005, IEEE Press.
- Veronika Stefanov, Beate List and Birgit Korherr: Extending
UML 2 Activity Diagrams with Business Intelligence Objects.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Warehousing
and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2005), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005, Springer
Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Harald Kühn, Marion Murzek: Modelling: From Craftsmanship
to Automation.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Perspectives in
Business Informatics Research (BIR
2005), October 3-4, 2005, University of Skövde, Sweden
- Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: A Performance
Measurement Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains, Proceedings
of the 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
Applications (DEXA 2005), First International Workshop on Business
Process Monitoring & Performance Management (BPMPM 2005), August
2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, IEEE Press.

- Beate List, Robert M. Bruckner and Jochen Kapaun: Holistic
Software Process Performance Measurement - From the Stakeholders'
Perspective, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop
on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2005), First International
Workshop on Business Process Monitoring & Performance Management
(BPMPM 2005), August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, IEEE Press
- W. Schwinger, Ch. Grün, B. Pröll, W. Retschitzegger,
A. Schauerhuber, Context-awareness in Mobile Tourism Guides
- A Comprehensive Survey, Technical Report, July 2005.
- Horst Eidenberger and Elke Michlmayr, Mit Perl programmieren
lernen (in German), book, d.punkt-Verlag, Heidelberg, 279
pp., June 2005. Mehr
Info zum Buch
- Elke Michlmayr, Sabine Graf, Wolf Siberski, and Wolfgang Nejdl:
Query Routing with Ants. Proceedings of the Workshop
on Ontologies in P2P Communities, ESWC2005, May 2005, Heraklion, Crete
- Sabine Graf and Beate List: An Evaluation
of Open Source E-Learning Platforms Stressing Adaptation Issues.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies (ICALT 2005), pp 163- 165, July 2005, Taiwan, IEEE Press
- Harald Kühn, Marion Murzek: Interoperability Issues
in Metamodelling Platforms. First International Conference
on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications (INTEROP-ESA
2005), February 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
- Stefanie Scherzinger, Alfons Kemper: Syntax-directed Transformations
of XML Streams. Workshop “Programming Language Technologies
for XML” (PLAN-X 2005), January 2005, Long Beach, California
- Marion Murzek, Gerhard Kramler: Defining Model Transformations
for Business Process Models Graphically, Proceedings of the
Workshop “Enterprise Modelling and Ontology: Ingredients for
interoperability” at PAKM 2004, December 2004, Vienna, Austria
- Nevena Stolba and Beate List: Extending the Data Warehouse
with Company External Data from Competitors' Websites: A Case Study
in the Banking Sector. Proceedings of Data Warehousing 2004
(DW 2004), November 3–4 2004, Friedrichshafen, Germany, Physica
Verlag, 2004.
- Martin Bernauer, Gerti Kappel, Elke Michlmayr: Traceable Document
Flows. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Semantics
(WebS) at the 14th International Conference on Database and Expert
Systems Applications (DEXA), September 2004, Zaragoza, Spain
- M. Ahmed, H.Hoang, M. Karim , S. Khusro, M. Lanzenberger, K. Latif,
E. Michlmayr, K. Mustofa, H. Nguyen, A. Rauber, A. Schatten, M. Tho,
A. Tjoa: 'SemanticLIFE' - A Framework for Managing Information
of A Human Lifetime. Proceedings of the International Conference
on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services, September
2004, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Nicole Schweikardt, Bernhard
Stegmaier: FluXQuery: An Optimizing
XQuery Processor for Streaming XML Data. Software Demonstration
at the 30th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2004),
August/September 2004, Toronto, Canada.
- Christoph Koch, Stefanie Scherzinger, Nicole Schweikardt, Bernhard
Stegmaier: Schema-based Scheduling
of Event Processors and Buffer Minimization for Queries on Structured
Data Streams. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference
on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2004), August/September 2004, Toronto,
- Gerti Kappel, Elke Michlmayr, Birgit Pröll, Sigfried Reich,
Werner Retschitzegger: Web Engineering - Old wine in new bottles?
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Engineering
(ICWE2004), 28-30 July 2004, Munich, Germany, pp. 6-12, © Springer-Verlag
(LNCS 3140), [ISBN 3-540-22511-0].
- Beate List and Karl Machaczek: Towards a Corporate Performance
Measurement System. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium
on Applied Computing (SAC'04), March 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, ACM Press,
- Josef Schiefer, Beate List, Robert M. Bruckner: Process Data Store:
A Real-time Data Store for Monitoring Business
Processes. Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference
on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2003), Prag, Czech
Republic, 2003, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science